Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Duggar Courtships!

Have you heard? Yes, It's true! There are two new courtships floating around the Duggar house.. As you've all probably heard.. Jessa Duggar has been in a courtship with Benjamin Seewald ♥ for quite a while now, but another Duggar has been too! Jill Duggar is in a courtship with Derick Dillard♥ As you probably can tell.. plenty of little birdies will be leaving the nest!! 🐣🐣 So lets all keep these new couples in our prayers as they hopefully journey toward marriage and family☺♥
♥♥♥♥♥Derick Dillard & Jill Duggar♥♥♥♥♥♥

♥♥Benjamin Seewald & Jessa Duggar♥♥

Yep I got it from instagram. :)

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